Electronic submission

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically using the Article submission form which will be accessible after registration and logging on with your JSER username and password. Registrations are open and activated automatically.


Call for Papers


Respected readers,

We want to announce you that we are preparing next number 3-4, vol. 19 of Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2018. You are kindly invited to submit an article in our Journal. The articles are bilingual (Macedonian and English). Authors abroad Macedonia can submit only in English. Please type them in Word 2003 version, or up. Please use Times New Roman font with Font size 12. The manuscript can not exceed 30.000 characters with no spaces A4 format on English including Abstract, Tables and Figures in English. The margins should be 2 cm from every side, and also paragraph should be 1.5 lines.
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You can send the articles via our electronic system, or electronically (CD, DVD) on the following address:

Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation,
Faculty of Philosophy
Blvd. Goce Delchev 9A
1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
with subject for Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
or you can send them by e-mail: jser.dtp@gmail.com

We are inviting authors to publish their original, innovative, pragmatic and high quality scientific research work. The Call for papers is constantly open, all received papers will go through double blind peer review.

Please send the manuscripts on time.
Manuscripts which will not come on time, or authors who will not follow the instructions will not be published.

With respect
JSER Editor-in-Chief


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