Editorial Office

Editor-in-Chief: Olivera Rashikj-Canevska
Deputy Editor:                        
Technical Secretary: Filip Jurtoski
Manuscript Editor: Srgjan Savikj
Electronic Publishing:  
Lector for Macedonian: Makedonka Bubevska
Translator to and from English language               Filip Jurtoski
Lector for English:  


 Editorial Office:

Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation,
Faculty of Philosophy, University "Ss Kiril and Metodij",
Blvd. Goce Delchev 9A,
1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
Telephone: +389-2-3116-520 (Ext. 129)
Telefax: +389-2-3118-143
e-mail: natasa.stanojkovska@fzf.ukim.edu.mk 
URL: http://jser.fzf.ukim.edu.mk



altOlivera Rashikj-Canevska, PhD – Editor-in-Chief
Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Philosophy, University "Ss Kiril and Metodij", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Email: oliverarasic@fzf.ukim.edu.mk

Dr. Olivera Rashikj was born in Skopje in 1984. She is the Technical secretary of the Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. She is a graduate of the Skopje Faculty of Philosophy, Institute for Special Education and Rehabilitation in 2006, where she later obtained her M.Sc. (2009). She is member of the Commission for professional accomplishment and organization of the scientific meetings of Macedonian Association of Special Educators and Rehabilitates. She works as proctor-demonstrator providing exercises of physiology and functional anatomy and of methodic of working with persons with physical impairments. In 2005 year she participated in an European TEMPUS InFOCUS-project of student exchange in Germany and Netherlands, also participated in 3-days Workshop for Human Interaction in Arnhem, Netherlands. In 2007 she participated at The Second International Congress of Students of Rehabilitation of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, also participated at the seminar for educating the volunteers for Special Olympics trainers. In 2008 she was member of the organization board (contact person) at the time of organization of the international conference because of “15 years of existence of the Institute for Special Education and Rehabilitation at the Faculty of Philosophy-Skopje”.                           


Ana PetkovskaFilip Jurtoski – translator and interpreter to and from English language

Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Philosophy, University "Ss Kiril and Metodij", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Email: filip_jurtoski@hotmail.com

Filip Jurtoski was born in Prilep in 1992. From Ocober 2015 he is the new technical secretary of the Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. He has graduated in Skopje at the Faculty of Philosophy, Institute for Special Education and Rehabilitation in 2014 on the title „Disturbances of the motor abilities with children with autism“ with an average of 9.49 under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Vladimir Trajkovski.  He has studied English language since 1998 and has excellent writing, understanding and speaking skills in English. After his graduation he continues his Master studies at the Faculty of Philosophy, Institute for Special Education and Rehabilitation at the cathedra for Intellectual Disability and Autism. From December 2014 he is chosen as the new secretary of the Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism. From 2014 he works with children with special needs in regular schools by providing a better inclusive practice for the children.



Makedonka Bubevska – higher advisor for language editing and lectoring, Vocational education and training centre, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Email: macedonkadicoska@yahoo.com

Makedonka Bubevska was born in Skopje in 1977. She finished primary and secondary school in Skopje and graduated from the Faculty of Philology „Blazhe Koneski“, Department for Macedonian language in Skopje in 2006. Since then, she works as a certified proofreader in different magazines and specialized papers, master thesis from many different areas. From 2009 she works as a higher advisor for language editing and lecturing - Vocational education and training centre, Skopje and proofreading any type documents, materials, monography, curricula, standards and many documents in education area.









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