Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“
Филозофски факултет
Институт за дефектологија
UDK: 016:376


“Ss Cyril and Methodius” University
Faculty of Philosophy
Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation




1. Williams LE, Casanova FM. Hyperlexia and dyslexia in autism: hitting a moving target. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2012; 13(3-4): 39–54.
2. Vasileva N. Diagnosis and therapy of motor dis­tur­bances in children with autism. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2012; 13(3-4): 55–68.
3.  Head NC, Hill AD, Flores M. Case study on the implementation of a video story-based intervention with self-modeling treatment package to reduce stereotypical spitting behavior in a young girl with autism. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2012; 13(3-4): 85–98.
4. Stankova T, Trajkovski V. Attitudes and opinions of employers, employees and parents about the employment of people with autism in the Republic of Macedonia. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2010; 11(3-4): 16–30.
5. Memisevic H, Hodzic S. The effects of equine-assis­ted therapy in improving the psycho-social func­tioning of children with autism. Journal of Spe­ci­al Education and Rehabilitation 2010; 11(3-4): 57–67.
6. Mladenovska B, Trajkovski V. Opinions and attitudes of parents and students for sexual development, sexual behavior and gender identity of persons with autism in the Republic of Macedonia. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2010; 11(1-2): 7–24.
7.  Preece D. Social care support services in England for children and adults with autism spectrum disorders and their families. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2008; 9(3-4): 63–72.
8. Singh KV. Serum analysis of amyloid beta-protein 1-40 in healthy subjects, autistic children and Alzheimer’s patients.  Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2008; 9(1-2): 93–99.
9.Casanova FM, Mott M. The Neuropathology of Autism: A Selective Review. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2006; 7(3-4): 21–35.
10. Casanova FM, Farag A, El-Baz A, Mott M, Hassan H, Fahmi R, Switela EA. Abnormalities of the gyral window in autism: a macroscopic correlate to a putative minicolumnopathy. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2006; 7(1-2): 85–101.
11. Trajkovski V, Vasilevska K, Ajdinski Lj, Spiroski M. Epidemiological characteristics of autism in Republic of Macedonia. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2005; 6(3-4): 25–39.
12. Kopachev D. Neuropsychological development dynamic approach in children with autism.  Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2005; 6(1-2): 5–16.



13. Spiroski M. Immunologycal approach to the diagnosis of autism. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2005; 6(1-2): 17–26.
14. Ajdinski Lj. Condition, organization and directions in solving the problem of people with autism in the Republic of Macedonia.  Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2005; 6(1-2): 43–52.
15. Petrova V, Petrov R. Treatment of children with autism within the group of children with mental retardation.  Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2005; 6(1-2): 61–68.
16. Lazarovska V, Dimitrovska Z. A presentation of a case of a child suffering from autism. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2005; 6(1-2): 69–74.
17.   Trajkovski EV. Innovations in therapy of autism. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2004; 5(3-4): 43–56.
18. Singh KV. Rehabilitation of autism with immune modulation therapy. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2004; 5(3-4): 161–178.
19. Trajkovski V. Etiology of autism. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2004; 5(1-2): 61–74.
20. Kopachev D, Trajkovski V. Autism and tuberous sclerosis. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2000; 4(3-4): 84–89.
21. Selakovikj M. Yeasts as a possible etiological factor of autism. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2000; 4(3-4): 96–99.
22.  Simikj JN, Golubovikj S. Evalution of the communicative    behavior    as    a    base    for      diagnosis and treatment planning of
communicational impairments with children with autism. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2000; 4(3-4): 118–123.
23. Trajkovski V. Autism on the internet. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2000; 4(3-4): 124–131.
24. Trajkovski V, Spiroski M. Imunodiagnostic and immunotherapy of autism. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2000; 4(1-2): 17–21.
25. Ajdinski Lj. Children with autism and how to organize their treatment in Republic of Macedonia. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 1999; 3(3-4): 57–66.
26. Lukic D. Autistic children protection scheme. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 1998; 2(2-3): 135–144.
27. Lakoski A. Genetic aspects of autism. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 1997; 1(2): 49–55.






Адреса за кореспонденција:
Ул. „Васил Ѓоргов“ бр. 33А/36, 1000 Скопје
Република Македонија
Е-пошта: ana.petkovska@defektologija.org


Corresponding Address:
str. Vasil Gjorov no.33A/36, 1000 Skopje
Repubilc of Macedonia
E-mail: ana.petkovska@defektologija.org


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