Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“



UDK: 016:376


“Ss Cyril and Methodius” University

Faculty of Philosophy

Institute of Special Education andRehabilitation




1.       Bastiaanse R, Thompson CK. Perspec­ti­ves on agrammatism. Psychology Press; 2011.

2.       Cawthon SW. Accountability-Based re­forms: The impact on deaf and hard of hearing students. GallaudetUniversity Press; 2011.

3.       Christensen KM. Ethical considerations in educating children who are deaf or hard of hearing. GallaudetUniversity Press; 2011.

4.       DavisMD, Broitman J. Nonverbal learning disabilities in children: Bridging the gap between science and practice. Sprin­ger; 2011.

5.       Flecher RJ. Psychotherapy for individuals with intellectual disability. NADD; 2011.

6.       Green RA, Blair V. Keep it simple: A guide to assistive technologies. Libraries Unli­mited; 2011.

7.       Haynes SN, O'Brein W, Kaholokula J. Be­havioral assessment and case for­mu­la­ti­on. Wiley; 2011.

8.       Howell P, Borsel JV. Multilingual aspects of fluency disorders. Multilingual Matters; 2011.

9.       Lindsay P. Morrison J. Care of the adult with intellectual disability in primary care. Ra­dcliffe Publishing; 2011.

10.   Marschark M, Spencer PE, Nathan PE. The oxford handbook of deaf studies, lan­gua­ge, and education. Oxford University Press, USA; 2 edition; 2011.

11.   Mates BT, Reed W. Assistive techno­lo­gies in the library. Amer Library Assn Edi­ti­ons; 2011.


12.   MohsinMN. Ecological inventory appro­ach for assessment and training: assess­ment and training of children with intellecttual disability use of ecological in­ven­tory involving parents. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing; 2011.

13.   Reiss S. Human needs and intellectual disa­bilities: Applications for person cen­te­red planning, dual diagnosis, and crisis in­ter­vention. NADD; 2011.

14.   Scheetz NA. Deaf education in the 21st cen­tury: Topics and trends. Allyn & Ba­con; 2011.

15.   SecordWA, Boyce ES, Donohue JS, Fox RA, Shine RE. Eliciting sounds software: Techn­iques and strategies for clinicians. Del­mar Cengage Learning; 2011.

16.   Spalding F. Antisocial Behavior.  Rosen Pub Group; 2011.

17.   Stage D, Merrick J. Cancer in children and adults with intellectual disabilities: Cur­rent research aspects. Nova Science Pub Inc; 2011.

18.   Trajkovski V. Autism and Pervasive Deve­lopmental Disorders. Faculty of Philosophy. Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Skopje, 2011.

19.   Williams V. Disability and discourse: Ana­lysing inclusive conversation with peo­ple with intellectual disabilities. Wiley; 2011.

20.   Zand DH, Pierce JK. Resilience in deaf chil­dren: Adaptation through emerging adult­hood,  Springer, 2011.


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