Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“

Филозофски факултет

Институт за дефектологија

UDK: 016:376


“SS Cyril and Methodius” University

Faculty of Philosophy

Institute of Special Education andRehabilitation




1.   Bleach F. Everybody Is different: A book for young people who have brothers or sisters with atism. Autism Asperger Publishing Company; 2002.

2.   Buron DK, Curtis M. Incredible 5-Point scale  assisting students with autism spectrum disorders in understanding social interactions and controlling their emotional. Autism Asperger Publishing Company Responses. 2004.

3.   Delaney T. 101 Games and activities for children with autism, aspergers and sensory processing disorders. McGraw-Hill; 2009.

4.   Delaney T. Autism life skills: From communication and safety to self-esteem and more - 10 essential abilities every child needs and eserves to learn. Perigee Trade;2008.

5.   Edwards A. Taking Autism to School. JayJo Books; 2002.

6.   Goldberg M. Goldberg E. The myth of autism: How a misunderstood epidemic is destroying our children. Skyhorse Publishing; 2011.

7.   Grandin T. Thinking in pictures: My life with autism. Vintage; 2010.

8.   Greenspan S. Wieder S. Engaging autism: Using the floortime approach to help children relate, communicate, and think. Da Capo Lifelong Books; 2009.

9.   Jepson B. Wright K. Johnson J. Changing the course of autism: A scientific approach for parents and physicians. Sentient Publication; 2007.

10.Koegel KL, LaZebnik C.Growing up on the spectrum: A guide to life, love, and learning


      for teens and young adults with autism and asperger's . Viking Adult;2009.

11.Kranowitz C. Miller JL.The out-of-sync child: Recognizing and coping with sensory processing disorder.  Perigee Trade; 2006.

12.Newport J. Newport M. Autism- Asperger's and sexuality: puberty and beyond. Future Horizons; 2002.

13.Notbohm E.Ten things every child with autism wishes you knew. Future Horizons; 2005.

14.Notbohm E. Zysk V. 1001 Great ideas for teaching and raising children with autism or asperger's. Future Horizons; 2010.

15.Offit PA.Autism's False Prophets: Bad Science, Risky Medicine, and the Search for a Cure. Columbia University Press; 2010.

16.Olmsted D.The age of autism: Mercury, medicine, and a man-made epidemic. Thomas Dunne Books; 2010.

17.Sher B.Early intervention games: Fun, joyful ways to develop social and motor skills in cildren with autism spectrum or sensory processing disorders. Jossey-Bass; 2009.

18.Shore S. Rastelli GL. Grandin T.Understanding autism For dummies. For Dummies; 2006.

19.Siri K. Lyons T. Freilich M. Arranga T. Cutting-edge therapies for autism 2010-2011. Skyhorse Publishing; 2010.

20.Wrobel M. Taking care of myself: A hygiene, puberty and personal curriculum for young people with autism. Future Horizons; 2003.





Адреса за кореспонденција:


Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“

Филозофски факултет

Институтот за дефектологија

Крсте Мисирков бб, 1000 Скопје, Р. Македонија

e-mail: angelka_v@yahoo.com


Corresponding Address:


"Ss Cyril and Methodius“ University

Faculty of Philosophy

Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation

Krste Misirkov bb, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

e-mail: angelka_v@yahoo.com



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