Александра КАРОВСКА


Филозофски Факултет             

Институтот за дефектологија




Aleksandra KAROVSKA


Faculty of Philosophy

Institute for Special Education and Rehabilitation




1.      Ајдински Г. Олигофренологија. Бомат-Графикс, Скопје, 2008.­

2.       Bogdashina O. Communication issues in autism and Asperger syndrome. Jessica Kingsley Pub­li­shing, London, 2003.

3.       Beirne-Smith RM, Kim SH,Patton. Mental Retardation: An Introduction To Intellectual D­i­s­a­bilities. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2005. RJ

4.       Bell SH, Carr V Denno, Johnson LJ, & Phil­lips LR. Challenging behaviours in early child­hood settings: Creating a place for all children. Paul H. Brookes Publishing, Baltimore, 2004.

5.       Bolick T. Asperger syndrome and young chil­dren: Building skills for the real world: For peo­ple who know and care for three-to-seven-year-olds. Fair Winds Press. Gloucester MA, 2004.

6.       Brueggemann JB. Literacy and deaf people: cultural and contextual perspectives. Gallaudet University Press, Washington DC, 2004.

7.       Carson IM. Focus on Mental Retardation Re­search. Nova Science Pub Inc, 2007.

8.       Cutter J. Independent Movement and Travel in Blind Children: A Promotion Mode.Information Age Pub Inc, Greenwich, 2007.

9.       Crandell J, Robinson WL. Living with Low Vi­sion and Blindness: Guidelines That Help Profes­sionals and Individuals Understand Vision Im­pairments. Charles C Thomas Pub Ltd, Spring­field IL, 2007.

10.    Eklund MJ. Adolescents at Risk of Persistent Antisocial Behaviour and Alcohol Problems:


The Role of Behaviour, Personality and Biological Factors. Stockholm Universitet, Stockholm, 2006.

11.    Galerstein N. Age Appropriate Activities for Adults With Profound Mental Retardation. Bar­celona Publishing, Barcelona, 2005.

12.    Harlan L, Franklin P. The Deaf Experience: Clas­sics in Language And Education. Gallaudet University Press, Washington D.C. 2006.

13.    Kyle JG, AM Reilly, Allsop L, Clark M, & A Duryb Investigation of Access to Public Services in Scotland in BSL. Scottish Executive Social Re­search, Edinburgh, 2005.

14.    Kemple KM. Let’s be friends: peer competence and social inclusion in early childhood programs. Teachers College Press, New York, 2004.

15.    Lawson W. Sex, sexuality and the autism spec­trum. Jessica Kingsley Publishing, London, 2005.

16.    Marschark M,  Albertini AJ, Lang GH.Educat­ing Deaf Students: From Research to Practice. Oxford University Press, Oxford UK, 2006.

17.    Петров Р, Ѓурчиновска Л,Станојковска-Трајковска Н.Заштита и рехабилитација на лицасо инвалидност. Македонскаризница, Куманово, 2008. ­­ ­­­

18.    Smart D. Patterns and Precursors of Adolescent Antisocial Behaviour: Types, Resiliency and Environmental Influences,toria, Melbourne, 2003. Crime Prevention Vic­­

19.    Трајковски ЕВ. Медицинскиоснови на инвалидноста.Филозофски факултет,  Iнститут задефектологија, Скопје, 2008. ­­ ­




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