Дефектолошка теорија и практика,
Институт за дефектологија,
Филозофски факултет, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“,
Скопје, РепубликаМакедонија





Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation,
Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation,
Faculty of Philosophy, University “Ss. Cyril
and Methodius”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia



  1. Peete HR, Peete RE, Peete RJ. Same But Different: Teen Life on the Autism Express. Scholastic Press, 2016.
  2. Lintala J, Mumper E. The Un-Prescription for Autism: A Natural Approach for a Calmer, Happier, and More Focused Child; AMACOM, 2016.
  3. Shaul J. Our Brains are Like Computers! Exploring Social Skills and Social Cause and Effect with Children on the Autism Spectrum; JESSICA KINGSLEY PUBLISHERS, London UK, 2016.
  4. Senator S. Elder Robison J. Autism Adulthood: Strategies and Insights for a Fulfilling Life; Skyhorse Publishing, 2016.
  5. Simmons S. Living with Autism; Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.
  6. Melillo R. Brown Z. The Disconnected Kids Nutrition Plan: Proven Strategies to Enhance Learning and Focus for Children with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Other Neurological Disorders; Tarcher Perigee, 1 edition, 2016.
  7. Goodall E. Lawson BW. Purkis J. The Autism Spectrum Guide to Sexuality and Relationships: Understand Yourself and Make Choices that are Right for You; Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2016.
  8. Sandison R. A Parent's Guide to Autism: Practical Advice. Biblical Wisdom; Siloam, 2016
  9. Koscinski S. The Parent's Guide to Occupational Therapy for Autism and Other Special Needs: Practical Strategies for Motor Skills, Sensory Integration, Toilet Training, and More; Jessica Kingsley Publishers; 2 edition, 2016.
  10. John Carley M. Smith Myles B. Unemployed on the Autism Spectrum: How to Cope Productively with the Effects of Unemployment and Jobhunt with Confidence; Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2016.




  1. Silberman S. Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity; Avery, 2016.
  2. Laake D. Compart P. The ADHD and Autism Nutritional Supplement Handbook: The Cutting-Edge Biomedical Approach to Treating the Underlying Deficiencies and Symptoms of ADHD and Autism; Fair Winds Press; Reprint edition, 2016.
  3. Sharma M. A Parent's Guide to the Common Immune System Issues in Autism Spectrum Disorder; Melinda Sharma, 2016.
  4. L. Boroson B. Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Inclusive Classroom, 2nd Edition: How to Reach & Teach Students with ASD; Teaching Strategies; 2 edition, 2016.
  5. Sher B. Everyday Games for Sensory Processing Disorder: 100 Playful Activities to Empower Children with Sensory Differences; Althea Press, 2016
  6. Bevan-Brown J. Dharan V. Autism Spectrum Disorder in Aotearoa New Zealand; NZCER Press, 2016
  7. Webb W. K. Adler R. Neurology for the Speech-Language Pathologist- Elsevier eBook on VitalSource (Retail Access Card); Mosby; 6 edition, 2016.
  8. Purkis J. Goodall E. Nugent J. Lawson W. Dempster-Rivett K. The Guide to Good Mental Health on the Autism Spectrum; Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2016.
  9. Morris S. Inside the Mind: Understanding and Communicating with Those Who Have Autism, Asperger's, Social Communication Disorder, and ADD; Book Publishers Network; 1 edition, 2016.
  10. Heffernan D. Beardon L. Sensory Issues for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder; Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2016.

Адреса за кореспонденција:
Македонско научно здружение за аутизам
Институт за дефектологија, Филозофски факултет
бул. Гоце Делчев, бр. 9А,
1000 Скопје, Македонија
Контакт телефон: +389-75-725-951


Corresponding address:
Macedonian Scientific Society for Autisam
Institute of Special Education, Faculty of Philosophy
Bull. GoceDelchev, no. 9A,
1000 Skopje, Macedonija
Contact phone: + 389-75-725-951
E-mail: secretary@mssa.org.mk



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