Researches about child’s intellectual development in the psychology has started in the 19th century and the first step has been made by Tiedemann in “ Observation of the development of the mental abilities of the children”. His work caused a great interest in the circles of doctors and psychologists. Their interpretation of intelligence was different, but the most acceptable is the performance of complicated activities for getting knowledge and skills and getting over the obstacles in the development of the person”.

            The social ability do not correspond with the intelligence. The two aspects are tested and a complete picture of their functioning can be seen. The developmental principle is determined from general to the separate as functionally connected.

            In the period when a child does not accept the higher level of intelligence and thinking , in relation to which are effectuated by sense-motor activities, than we say that a child is mentally handicapped. The widest approach of the educational system should be treated as a functional, institutional and organizational, that takes part in the realization of the social aims and tasks.

            Not getting into viewing of the curriculums and programs for preparatory groups in the pre-educational period, we may say that the justification for the existence of these group in the regular schools, is maturation of the perceptive motor coordination and learning. With the maturing the function of the "ego" is increasing.

            As a child adapts better  he can learn better, and the maturity comes sooner. In this way these groups are justified.

            Mentally handicapped child has not the opportunity to attend an organized  prepared education which provides:-forming of the speech, self-control, which can be achieved in the process of learning through a direct contact with other children;

·         regulation of the lateralisation through re-education of the psycho-motor abilities, and in general neuro-motor experienced  maturation

·         control of the aggressive behavior

·         adaptation to the environment and the obligations

·         socialization as a result of the social learning.

            According to my experience the preparatory period for these children, should last two years, because their mental abilities are lower compared to other children’s at the same age. The results of testing by WISC are proving the same. For the last forty years there are many  institutions for education of the children with mental disorders, light, but none of them have preparatory classes, in Macedonia. World’s experience s are showing that this kind of classes are necessary for further development of the handicapped children. This means that the existence of that kind of groups is of great importance and responsibility of all the factors which are included in the education and the good of children.




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